Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday December 19th 2016 Archangel Michael
Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

“Tis truly the time of Miracles.”

EXPECT them, ACCEPT them, DEMAND them, and then give thanks for all your blessings. Be in a state of ‘GRATITUDE” always.

As you finalise this demanding year of 2016 so much completion has and still will, take place. You will ponder on this year and KNOW once again everything was in Divine, Perfect time and balance.

These last days of this year will take you into a new acceptance of what lays before you. Miracles indeed for so much of what has been the “ways of your world” will no longer be, and you will advance in 2017 with a much stronger, resolute demeanour.

Dear Ones, we have reminded you endlessly, of the amazing Be-ings you truly are - you are now witnessing the changes taking place within and around you.

Soon there will only be “remnants” of the old you, your old world, as you continue with the construction of the New Earth.

Daily your consciousness increases, your memory of “who you are” and your unique capabilities are rising into your awareness. So many “Ah-ha moments” occurring in your daily routine.

You are witnessing the miracle healing abilities you ALL possess, but have kept hidden, even from yourselves.

Dear Ones, it is not until you have exhausted all the “old” options that you now turn inward and learn to acknowledge what has been so deeply hidden “from you, by you.”

Times like no other, we reiterate. Time to step-up and step-forward acknowledging YOU on this pathway.

It is no longer possible or appropriate to hide. The connectedness to each other is finally being exposed and can no longer be denied. The ONENESS of who you are is playing out in all scenarios. As you begin to see the re-connection, the wholeness, you can no longer hurt another, as that will be parlayed quickly back to you.

LOVE and not fear is the teacher from now. Search your consciousness when fear arises.
Bless it and send it on its way - it is an old paradigm no longer appropriate for YOU and your New Earth.

Take your time, remember Dear Ones you are unravelling eons of programming, be gentle with yourselves. Breathe into anything that produces fear, anxiety, anxiousness - then picture LOVE slowly covering those emotions until all that is left is “the LOVE YOU ARE.”

Practice letting go of all negative emotions - acknowledge them when they come up, have gratitude for the lessons they are teaching, gently send them on their way on a cloud of LOVE. For you see Dear Ones, when you fully engage in the POWER that YOU ARE, and HAVE, THERE WILL NO LONGER BE A PLACE in your awareness for negative thoughts or actions.


Awaken to the Conscious Creator in every aspect of your life. If you cannot see or recognise LOVE in a situation STOP, REFLECT  - look again. Re-assess until LOVE IS YOUR ONLY DIRECTION.

This is when you achieve true MASTERY Dear Ones, this is when the LOVE YOU ARE, becomes YOU. Visualise that outflowing and through osmosis touching every Being on the Planet.

True Peace on Earth Dear Ones, it is only a heart beat away and as your hearts radiate only LOVE and LIGHT what a glorious Planet this shall be.

LOVE, LIGHT and continued Blessings surround each and everyone. We hold you in the highest LOVE/LIGHT vibration possible as we align and integrate our energies with yours.

And so it is.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Message 5th December, 2016
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

The Earth and ALL her inhabitants continue to be shaken from complacency. It is no longer appropriate to stay asleep. 

The rapidity with which these changes are occurring is astonishingly fast. The coming days and weeks will continue to bring forth ALL that no longer serves humanity, to the surface. Your heads and your hearts will be challenged with all the revelations coming forward. Breathe through it all.

Dear Ones, stay heart-focused and allow the LOVE THAT YOU ARE to be your guide in all decisions. There has NEVER been a more important time to shine your Love/Light on all situations as they arise. Remember, to extend that same consideration to those you choose to call the “Villains” in all that is playing out of your Planet.

Remember Dear Ones, all is in perfect and Divine order:

Just Be

Breathe Dear Ones, as much needs to be shed for the Light to shine through and claim the rightful Victory - ALL IS DIVINE.
Remember also your Divinity in all that transpires, as you chose to be the ones who would “assist” the Planet to return to her original state of Light and Love.

You are all Mastering so many new skills and awarenesses as you take each new step on this Path.


You are witnessing gifts being returned to you, for many new awarenesses and new skills - (not really new, just being re-remembered) which are coming into your consciousness.

These changes that are being presented to you, will allow the FREEDOM you seek. This will also allow the ABUNDANCE to flow, to ALL Beings on Planet Earth. Also, many new HEALTH AND WELLBEING breakthroughs are flooding in to your awareness. Often these are very simple measures, being brought to your attention once more.

Incredible times, even though for some it appears to be too much to walk through, we implore you to hold on Dear Ones. In the not too distant future the answers you seek will be revealed to you.


Dear Ones, you are the KEY to your recovery - you hold ALL the answers to ALL the questions ever formulated -within your Be-ing. We remind you, take the time, slow down, relax, let go and GO WITHIN.

All is contained within your beautiful body vehicles and the knowledge and understanding you seek - you already have the answers.

Go within Dear Ones.

Allow us to remind you WHO YOU ARE, WHY YOU CAME at this most magnificent time of transformation and reformation. It was YOU who decided to “hide” this information for times such as these - times to remember your Glorious Selves.

It cannot be stressed enough how loved and supported you are. Call on us and allow us to assist you as you activate your true Divinity once more. Initially you may be overwhelmed with what you discover - the true depth of your Wisdom/Love/Knowledge. At first you will not believe this could possibly be YOU that has access to this information and knowledge. Then as you continue to “open-up” your Soul Self, the walls of thousands of years will dissipate and you will begin to get at first just a “glimpse” of the magnificence that is YOU.

As you make this practice a “habit” greater amounts of wisdom and truths will be revealed and it will be as though a dam has burst its banks - flowing out, covering all it comes into contact with, giving life saving nourishment to not only YOU but all who come within the floodgates of your Be-ing.

Just imagine this as it happens to ALL Be-ings - finally seeing their TRUE Beauty, their TRUE worth, then Dear Ones Peace will surely reign for ALL.

It is time Dear Ones.

Shine your Light, open those floodgates, honour your commitment to YOU and to ALL humanity.

Be the World Server you came to be.


And so it is.


Monday, November 28, 2016

28th November, 2016 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Can you feel the change in your vibration? So much more LOVE is becoming evident in your day to day activities, within your personal relationships and then extending out to all who come into your field.

That is not to say there are other energies at play - this is of course the duality which is now coming into balance. The tipping point has been reached and there is now more LOVE/LIGHT frequencies on the Planet - however, this doesn’t make the main-stream news that only concentrates on fear and darkness.

Being the LOVE THAT YOU ARE allows you to look past the fear and move forward to the LIGHT and as you become more aware, those in your sphere get swept up into the momentum you are creating. Keep moving forward into the LOVE/LIGHT Dear Ones. You are the Way-showers and those exhausted by fear are now looking for alternatives. As in ALL transition most need to go to the bottom of the trough before an upward movement is all that is available.

You Dear Ones, are waiting at the top holding your hands outstretched, a smile on your face and love in your heart, ready to receive these tired and weary ones who are standing before you.

You are recognised as the Beacons you are and when there is nowhere else to turn - YOU will be there.

ALL of humanity is currently experiencing many changes in their lives - totally necessary to leave the old behind in order to create the new. For many of you WAY-SHOWERS, your challenges appeared earlier, to allow you time to understand and accept your experiences, learning the tools to make the necessary changes, and move to a place of compassion and empathy.

This truly is your time to shine. So many opportunities and miracles are about to present themselves. All that you have “given up” or “left behind” will be replaced with wondrous gifts of abundance.

Many old scenarios are playing out but you now find yourselves in a sphere of energy where you are completely unaffected by the old - end games.

It is as if you are walking through the seems of the energy in a way that allows you to still be on the Earth without being fully engaged in what is playing out. 

A place of NEUTRALITY.

Breathe into this information Dear Ones and allow the energy of Neutrality to surround and engulf you.

THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE continues to grow each day, you feel it within your Be-ing even as you watch the outer world collapse around you. THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE knows great times are ahead for all who choose LOVE/LIGHT and continue to Shine On regardless of what “appears” to be happening.

TRUST yourselves Dear Ones, you are Creator Beings and this is the time for you to honour your calling to step-up and support those who are still awakening from the dream. The Awakening is quickening now as a result of all the “disasters playing out on the planet.”

End Game Dear Ones.

New rules for the new energy are being formulated by YOU daily.

How do you wish to create your New Earth Dear Ones?


And so it is.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Message - Archangel Michael            21st November, 2016   Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

We in the Realms of Illuminated Truth are witnessing how fast your world (inner and outer) is collapsing now. All perfect.  All in perfect timing. We also witness your exhaustion and the effects on your body vehicles. 

Let us remind you Dear Ones, Rest, Relax, Let-Go.

In this NOW moment, all is well, all is perfect - breathe.

Re-member Dear Ones when you EAGERLY volunteered for this experiment? A time to end duality, a time to end the experiment of the 3rd Dimensional living, a time to return to the ONENESS that you ARE?

Relax Dear Ones, the hardest part is over. If you can choose to stay in each NOW moment, that is where Creation happens. In this NOW moment, what is it you desire to BE, HAVE, KNOW, GIVE?

In all instances, and all NOW moments the answer is LOVE. For as you now know LOVE TRULY IS - ALL THERE IS.

Let LOVE be your guide and decision maker - and watch what flows forth. Miracles will appear as if by magic, for that is who YOU truly are Dear Ones, Magical, Miraculous, Beings - Creators of ALL THAT IS. 

You are beginning to witness your manifestations appearing quickly in your day to day reality and when that happens it gives you more confidence to manifest the next step and then the next.

As you now awaken to the endless possibilities that are appearing in your reality, a little lack of sleep or depleted energies can be overcome by the Miracles you are Manifesting.

Dear Ones, as always we stand with you - smiling at the reactions that are becoming the norm for you.

In the outside world - many end-games are playing out - all once again in perfect timing - do not give your energies to this - all is as agreed.

Once again we remind you not to waste your precious energies on what you deem “wrong in your world” - use the LOVE THAT YOU ARE to instigate the changes you wish to envision for your world.

Each of YOU are Mighty, Powerful Beings of Light and when connected to each other through like-mindedness you are the CHANGE THE WORLD REQUIRES and you are making the Shift required.

You are the TRANSITION TEAM, you are the Ones who stepped up for times such as these. Yes Dear Ones, you are exhausted, for this transition has taken longer than you first believed. May we remind you, it could have been over sooner, and you could have by now be playing in the Golden Times - HOWEVER, Dear Ones because of who YOU are and the LOVE that you are, you wanted to share this experience with everyone willing to make the changes necessary to enter into the 5th Dimension and beyond.

It is because of YOU - ALL BEINGS who choose, will make this transition - YOU allowed extra time for their awakening. Be Pleased with yourselves Dear Ones for shining the LOVE that you ARE out for all to hold onto the Light Beam you emanate.

Incredible times ahead for each of you as you wind up these last few weeks of a very intense and extremely baffling 2016.

Prepare for the last few weeks of this year 2016 to show up a number of “Surprises” - although for those of you reading these words probably not so - for after all you are on the Transition Team and organised much of what is transpiring. Even though most of you have “forgotten” the role you played in rolling out these amazing times.

Time to Re-member Dear Ones and the JOY that beholds you will be witnessed by all who walk beside you during these momentous times.

It is our delight Dear Ones,

And It is so.


Monday, November 14, 2016

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 14th November, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,

What an incredible day we shared yesterday. Archangel Metatron, Mother Mary and I were delighted to spend the day sharing our energies and vibrations with all the beautiful Souls in attendance. We thank your for honouring your Soul Calling at this critical time in your evolution.

So much is transpiring on your Planet - great change and upheaval - this is but a reflection of your own inner journey - as within - so without. ALL is coming up to be transmuted back into LIGHT. The darkness has had its time on your planet and now Creation degrees it is time for the LIGHT to shine once again.

All that is being forced to the surface is for transformation and transmutation so what appears as dark, ugly, unimaginable truths, are leaving - allowing all that is no longer wanted or needed to leave. Do not grab a hold of it - just allow, Dear Ones as it will leave of its own volition.

YOU are being called to hold the LIGHT - that is all - hold the LIGHT, IN ANY SITUATION THAT APPEARS IN YOUR AWARENESS. The days of fighting, arguing, defending the old its over. 

BE THE LIGHT YOU CAME TO BE - Simple really!!!

Dear Ones, Stay in neutrality, stay in LIGHT.

If it no longer serves you - let it go. Send LOVE, be only LOVE, and watch how it transforms effortlessly. What you give your power and energy to increases - LET YOUR POWER AND ENERGY - BE LOVE.

Just BE Dear Ones, Just Be.

Your LIGHT shines so brightly now the dark has no where left to hide - all coming out and up from the trenches it has occupied for eons of time.

So many glorious changes ahead for you Dear Souls, as you, the LIGHT that you Are, stand like a Sentinel for ALL to see.

You are surrounded and supported by Beings from all Dimensions at this time of Great Evolution. All smiling, holding their hands outstretched to take your hand in theirs as ALL walk towards the greatest outcome of all time.

Magic and miracles await each of you Dear Ones.


And so it is.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday Message - Archangel Michael            Leslie-Anne Menzies   7th Nov.2016

Dear Ones,

We observe you holding on by just your fingernails in some instances. The energies are intense and unrelenting at this moment. However, I tell you, if you just LET-GO
know you can FLY and FLY you will!

You are in the final stages of a very “old play” that has been running in your lives and, it is all about to end.

You are battle weary and we know that. We are currently preparing for the Grandest Celebration of your return to full Consciousness. It has taken it’s toll on many, those who have forgotten who they truly are. It is time to RE-member fully Dear Ones and embrace all that is about to be presented to you - all you are about to RE-member.

Truly the darkness is leaving the Planet - not without a fight of course - having played the game of Separation and Duality you ALL CHOSE for you to learn how to return back to Wholeness. Without the dark ones, you could not have experienced the contrast - and that Dear Ones was the name of the game. Over many incarnations you have been those dark souls, so we ask you now to find in your higher hearts the forgiveness needed for ALL to move forward into the LIGHT.

I have spoken of FORGIVENESS many times and I reiterate that FORGIVENESS IS KEY.
Firstly and most importantly for yourselves and then send that vibration out to all those you feel have wronged you, your family, friends, society and the Earth.

Without these dark souls stepping forward at this time you would not have completed your mission on this timeline.

Dear Ones, can you find it in your hearts to forgive ALL transgression upon you? The benefits of letting go, finding peace and forgiveness will serve YOU well.

Once again I remind you ‘YOU ARE ALL ONE’ now it is time to fully experience this and bring it to fruition in your lives. This will allow you to more easily move forward into the new energies - THE LIGHT - which you have all meditated, prayed, asked and begged for.

We have an answer to your many prayers Dear Ones -

Forgive others as you wish to be forgiven

You are ALL ONE - ONE WITH ALL THAT IS, one consciousness, one heartbeat, feel that within your Be-ing. Recognise this TRUTH - fully own it for your Soul - your Soul will then lead the way.

Look into the eyes and hearts of those “playing out this end-game” - know you have the POWER and HEART to change all that you experience. This is true Mastery Dear Ones. This was your aim when you stepped up to play on Mother Gaia in this lifetime. You knew, and are now RE-membering it is time to leave the old game board and create as the Masterful Creators you are, an entirely new game - all the rules must change.

The aim of this New Game is:

Every Be-ing living in Balance and Harmony, Peace on the Planet, Abundance for all, Joy, Love and Fellowship.

Open your hearts wider Dear Ones and all these Truths shall be revealed unto you.

The new Golden Age is ready to be birthed, you are assisting the birthing process.

There is always pain in birthing new life, but it is then overshadowed by the Joy and the LOVE of what comes forth.

Keep taking those deep, deep breaths - breathe in the new.

What are your dreams and desires for this New Earth Dear Ones?

How will YOU affect all that is becoming, all that you desire?

Welcome Home Dear Ones.

Let us play in the new energies - Let your LOVE and your LIGHT show the way.

And so it is.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday Message 17th October, 2016
Archangel Michael                       Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Your resilience is inspiring. The rapidity of change within and around you is relentless and still you continue to soldier on. For many of you, change has become your new mode of Be-ing and you are flowing with more ease - you are becoming adjusted and adaptable. Not so for everyone, especially those just waking up from the Illusion.

Awakening of your Full Consciousness requires letting go of the ego and this is a major adjustment for humanity. For many loss of ego showed up in your space as - loss of relationships of all kinds, loss of status - who you believed you “were” or what you “had” in the world. For others it was loss of residence, including home/state/country where you believed you “belonged” in the world. For many there was loss of jobs, income, resources, and for others it has been health related, loss of loved ones through illness, accidents, suicide, wars. So many adjustments have been made. Have you noticed that when even the most unbearable circumstance occurred you have found ways to move forward in a way not thought possible in your “old life.”  Resilience Dear Ones.

I remind you, for all you believe you have lost, so much more is to appear in your new space where ego can no longer be the centre-piece of your life. Through whatever challenges YOU personally have undergone you have become, or are in the process of becoming a greater version of yourself. You are definitely not the same person you were a few short years, months or even a week ago. That is how fast change is happening in and around you. Look around Beloveds this is not the world you incarnated into, for you always knew you were here to bring the mighty changes that were required to bring Heaven to the  New Earth.

The changes you have physically endured, the DNA upgrades, the rewiring and rejuvenating of your physical bodies - turning you into ‘LIGHT BODY BE-INGS’ that you agreed to become at this juncture of time. Such exciting times Dear Ones and the analogy of the Caterpillar becoming  the butterfly is so appropriate - always look to the resilience of nature and what it overcomes for growth and expansion - that is the parallel to you Dear Beings of Light.

YOU are in transition.

Have you ever moved house? What does that look like? Have you packed up your belongings, cleared out all the cupboards, discarded what no longer is required for your “new” residence? Have you been excited to commence your new life, in a new environment, new people to meet, new experiences to have?

These are exciting, magical times because this is how the new YOU, the new “LIGHTER” version of that old chrystalis is heading. Your Wings are ready to expand and you will fly free. All the worries and fears held in your old dense, egoic bodies will be left behind.

The new adventure is beginning and YOU have all the tools and equipment you need to be the abundant Be-ings you were destined to be.

Your “lightened” selves will feel the freedom and you will soar, with the able assistance of all the Be-ings who have loving guided you to this juncture.

What is it you now dream to be?

To do?

It is now your turn to hold the hands and hearts of those just stepping their feet on the Path you have already trodden and with great accomplishment may I add?

Be the Guides and Leaders you came to be, that is why you stepped forward for such times as these.

You are returning to full consciousness Dear Ones the implications of which you can only begin the imagine.

We are with you every step of the way Beloveds.

And it is so.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Message 10th October, 2016      Archangel Michael       Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Today is 10/10 - these new energies flooding your awareness and your Earth are definitely “stirring everything up.” New gateways to the New Earth are being birthed and YOU are the midwifes holding the space for New Life on your Planet.

Take notice of your bodies - are you feeling the electrical currents running in and through you? It can feel like you are wild and wired, not too much sleep, hot and cold. Now imagine what is happening in your outer world as that is a reflection of all that is happening individually.

As you learn to calm your personal environment, that calmness becomes reflected in your outer world. Everything and everyone is inter-related and inter-connected. You have amazing POWER which you are just beginning to realise. You have the ability to choose your personal outcomes. This is True Mastery Dear Ones. You have been riding the waves of change long enough to know it will continue for some time. This is where your Mastery steps up. 

Know what you know about yourself, your reactions, what works, what brings calm and peace? What brings chaos and unrest? Master your thoughts - Remember Dear Ones the Wisdom of your Heart - thinking with your heart is the new way of Be-ing. Master your actions and your re-actions - all from the HEART. Become vigilant of how YOU are expending your energy.

How do you feel? Breath into the feelings and if it is chaotic, then rest, relax, breathe. Allow the world YOU ARE to become harmonious, relaxed, find ease and comfort and then when you choose from this focus, your personal outcome will change - and all will change around you.

YES Dear Ones, you are THAT POWERFUL.

Practice Dear Ones, this will become so routine for you in your incredible future.

This year of 2016 is a year of completion. This year will go down in your history as the time when all the old was abolished - eg governments, financial systems, health systems - anything not of the Light will be extinguished. Many are focused on the current Political System and as I have previously mentioned - do not give this any of your energy - you are only feeding that which you do not want. REMOVE your energy for I tell you once more - none of this charade will eventuate. Place all your ATTENTION on a magical outcome, for that Dear Ones is what we assure will happen. 


So much is speeding up to be accomplished as this year reaches it crescendo. Prepare yourselves for the all new year of 2017 a (1) in numerology. New beginnings - therefore imagine the 1st January 2017 will be 1/1/1 magical indeed.

As this year rapidly moves towards completion there is still much to be finalised in preparation for the fresh start in 2017.

Allow all that no longer serves you to be purged from your awareness - jobs, relationships, places of residence - you are being perfectly positioned to move forward into your next grand adventure - and what an adventure it will be!!!

Time to embrace what you have diligently worked towards these past many years, as you transition into the new YOU.

You are Beings of Light, Mighty Creators, your future is magnificent for you are the ones creating it.

Let go of the old - even though that feels painful now you will soon know it is the perfect choice for you. Replace the old familiar with new and exciting opportunities, the ones you designed before you even incarnated into this timeline.

You are Divine Beings of Light, assisted by many other Divine Beings of Light - all moving towards the magical dreams you are creating each new moment.

Keep you Intentions and Focus on the highest outcomes and then walk triumphantly into your New Earth.

And so it is.