UESDAY, JULY 2, 2013
Tuesday 2nd July 2013
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL MESSAGE - Tuesday 2nd July, 2013
Dear Ones,
Greetings, you have ventured into the second part of this year of 2013. Do the energies feel more expansive? Can you feel that everything is on the “move” including you? This second half of the year will see you moving in a more upward motion. Not so much pushing and shoving as before. Expansion, breathe it in, feel the feelings of the FREEDOM that is becoming you.
A reminder Dear Ones that so much is being “gifted” to you during these times. Take stock of what you have transgressed. Feel the feelings, feel the LOVE as it is becoming more evident in your lives each day. Look to your Planet, see the shifts that are occurring in every situation around the Globe. Groups are gathering, supporting and uplifting each other. The Love grows stronger daily. Those in governance all over the Planet are becoming very worried about you the “people” standing up, no longer accepting the Status Quo. There is confusion amongst these old world leaders still trying to figure out what it will take to make you happy, to keep you quiet and under their control. Most are not yet aware that their time is up. Never again will it be as it was. NEVER. The people have spoken and continue to join in harmony and unity around the Planet.
The New Earth and a new way of being has found its voice and its voice is loud and strong. Freedom is being felt by all - there is a sense of what is to come and it feels great. No longer will the people of the world be herded like sheep. Freedom Dear Ones is your birthright.
You came at this time for this purpose, the “Evolution of Humanity” and the Planet - does that resonate in your hearts Dear Ones?
As this year continues, you will all grow in stature, in clarity of how you wish this to unfold. You have the power and the impetus to make this work for all mankind. Every Man, Woman and Child on the Planet is in agreement and allowing their voice to be heard.
We in the Angelic Kingdom are excited and inspired by what we see happening. We watch as each divine heart opens and becomes enlivened and we see what the release of the “shackles” is bringing to each and every soul. What a sight to behold Dear Ones. May we remind you that we are ever closer, working in unison with each of you. More souls are becoming aware of our presence and the assistance we offer.
As always our love shines brightly as we hold your hands and walk this path together.
Great job Dear Ones, FREEDOM is in your reach.
In deep gratitude for all that you do each day as you edge closer to the New Earth you are directing with each decision you make and every step you take toward your own Personal and Planetary Freedom.
Blessings Dear Ones,
TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013
Archangel Michael’s Message 11th June, 2013 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones
What great days these are. Have you been noticing how you are experiencing yourselves in these last few days? Are your energies much calmer? Do you notice the feeling of being more settled, more comfortable in the energies?
You needed this peace and calmness, a time to just be, to realign with all you have taken into your be-ingness in these past few months of this 1st Year of your New Creation.
As the door closed on 2012, there was much expectation. For those of you who felt cheated that the Earth did not move in the way you believed it would - we tell you “it did!” only in much smaller increments that you had wished for. It moved and you moved in a way that was the most comfortable for you to integrate into your energetic systems. You have all made such wonderful changes to your human perceptions. Now things that were a challenge a short time ago you move more freely with and have an acceptance of.
Congratulations Dear Ones you are so uniquely adaptable and we are joyous just watching you have these “experiences.”
We tell you now Dear Ones you are once again ready for the next “step-up” on this evolutionary path. You have gathered in your strength once more, breathed deeply and are now ready to step off on the next part of this incredible adventure.
You have realigned much within the energetics of your being, upgraded, rewired, just like a new home - that’s what you a creating within you. A new place of residence and resonance.
It is all systems go Dear Ones, do you not feel the excitement as you prepare for this next stage of the journey?
As always we are ever close holding your hands in amazement and awe at the creativity that you bring forth.
Exciting times, ahead for all in Creation.
Watch the young ones they are truly the bridges of change and it is happening rapidly. Support them, hold the space of LOVE for all humanity. Those who have opposed you in the past you just might find them now joining the ranks of this forward movement.
You have anchored so much LOVE/LIGHT on to the Planet that it is changing the most recalcitrant souls. You will be in total awe as you watch what is just before your eyes and ears.
We ask that you continue bringing forth the Light of Creation, running it through your Crown Chakra, through your energy tube, into your Sacred Heart and then ground it into Mother Earth.
The more times a day you can spend with this one simple exercise it will speed up the amount of LIGHT/LOVE quotient for all beings.
You will feel amazing after doing this and the results will be felt by all, not only those in your energy circle, but spreading out to the Oneness that you are.
Expansion is required for all beings, open your Sacred Heart, pour forth the Love you Are onto the Planet and watch how it expedites all things.
Excitement does not even begin to explain how we feel - what an amazing Co-Creation is taking place.
Blessings Dear One
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
Standing in your power is essential for each and everyone of you. There is much confusion and un-ease on the Planet and your strength and resilience is needed. Beautiful Souls you are co-creators of Creation. Now is your time to shine, to step into your power and own your be-ing on this Planet.
So much is unfolding for you each day and we hold your hand as you take each tentative step into this New Earth each of you is creating one step at a time.
The NOW moment is the key to living each day. The past is over NEVER to return - the future is what you are currently creating with each NOW moment. Can you see how absolutely critical it is to hold the most magnificent expectations within each moment?
As each of you bring more light onto the Planet with your thoughts, intentions and action you are allowing the Earth to absorb more Light also. It has been stated many times you and the Earth are ONE. Remember that connection each time you call on the Light of Creation, anchor it in and through your sacred vessel and then anchor it into the Earth Star Chakra. Connecting you and Gaia as ONE.
Your energies are best served by being in Peace and Harmony and thats what happens when you are completely in the NOW moment. Within that space there is no pushing, shoving, worry or anxiousness. Create a mantra for your NOW moments. Repeating several OM’s, singing a note - anything that raises your vibration into the field of oneness with the all. This vibration then becomes as a magnet to bring toward to you all that is in alignment with peace and harmony.
Dear Ones you have lived so long in these dense vibrations now it is time to lift yourselves into the NOW moments and watch how your life expands and opens you up to so many new possibilities and freedom.
You know the old ways no longer serve you, why would you want to spend just one more moment of your precious life energy feeling like you have in your recent past. The times you are creating in each of these NOW moments have never been experienced by humanity EVER.
You are the pioneers of this new paradigm you are creating with each new step that you take. As you live and breathe only NOW moments how does your creation appear? What a magnificent, fun and exciting time you are creating for yourselves and your loves one who are looking to you to lead them out of the sticky mud they find themselves in.
No longer will your world be as it was - a New Earth is being created one Light Being at a time. Witness what is happening Dear Ones, unprecedented change is right in front of you. Everyday you witness change - you are that change. It is happening through your thoughts and actions. If you are not physically present to assist the changes, send your thoughts and your Love vibtation you are the instrument of Peace on your Planet.
So much is transmuting and many more changes are just before you. The vibration is spinning and your Planet is matching that vibration. As your vibration joins in unision just watch what unfolds. Your new way of living in Oneness with all of Creation is no longer just a dream - you are the Architects of this beautiful creation. Be pleased with what you are accomplishing Dear Ones each of you hold your own unique piece of the puzzle. What is unfolding now rapidly in front of your eyes is your creation.
As the old ways of being finally crumble and fall, do not fear, stay in the NOW, support those who do not have the skills and understanding that you have. Many will look to you as they see you standing in the “eye of the Storm” with such a calmness, strength and resolve it will be as if your Beacon of Light will be guiding them to you. Be a safe haven for those who are yet to understand what is rapidly taking place.
Everyone on the Planet is ascending but there are still many who do not even know the meaning of Ascension. However, just like you, they will awaken, many will awaken quickly. As they think with their heads, fear will surface but just like you, as they learn to trust in their hearts, they will know all will be well.
So let your lights shine even brighter Dear Ones you have the faith, the courage and the belief that all indeed is as it should be. You are the most wonderful, benevolent Beings of Light - now it is time to stand tall, stay in the NOW, know that fear is leaving the Planet and the future shines brightly with LOVE.
We applaud your bravery Dear Ones for this has been a brave step you have taken, especially because as you take each step you have no idea where your next step will take you but you have trusted yourselves, you have felt our presence along the Path and deep within your Souls you knew you were never alone, although your human mind could not “prove-it.” That level of TRUST AND FAITH never went unrewarded. You are your own reward.
You are loved dearly and acknowledged for the persistent effort so many of you have contributed, never really knowing the outcome but believing you could and have created the Golden Age for all to live in Peace and Love at last.
Well done Earth Angels
We applaud you
Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light
MONDAY, MAY 27, 2013
Dear Ones,
Are you feeling the “freeing up” of the energies? Much has transpired through the recent activities of Solar/Lunar Eclipses, Sun emissions etc. Much has shifted and changed within you and around you. Your new reality is looking wonderful - you are beginning to sense that what has changed really is for the better. Even though many of you fought to hold on to what you “knew” you are now ready to let go and welcome in the “new”. You are beginning to see a future much rosier than the recent past.
Your bodies are aligning and working overtime to bring in these changes. You may find you require more sleep or at times you are unable to sleep at all. Please take extra care of your physical vessels as the changes are enormous and while you cannot witness what is happening on the inside you can certainly feel the changes.
All of your senses are being up-graded hearing, seeing, feeling and some you are not yet aware of. So we remind you take care of your physicality - it is so important to rest when you feel the need. Staying in the NOW (present time) will be most beneficial. Check in with your be-ing, what is required at this precise moment and then honour that need. Listen intently to what your Body Elemental is communicating to you. All systems are working as a Unified Field to bring about the creation of your Multi-Dimensional Self, the magnificent creation of the new YOU. If you could only get a glimpse of what is before you, you would marvel as we do at what you are creating at this time.
We watch you as Creator Beings and we are thrilled with what we see unfolding on this Planet and remind you that all you are doing and creating can only be done in a body such as your human form.
The Angelics and Master Realms remain in awe of what is transpiring on your Planet and we remind you we are here to assist you in this the greatest of evolutionary times but we cannot do it for you. All choice is yours, we are your assistants only, your Cheer-squad.
As I have mentioned we are closer to you than has ever been possible in your human creation. Therefore whatever assistance we can, we offer to you. You are beginning to Re-member that you are indeed Powerful Beings, Powerful Creators. We watch as you begin to acknowledge your synchronistic events happening in your lives and we marvel at your awareness. “So if I am bringing that small object into my life by my thoughts - then maybe if I expand my thoughts I can create on a larger scale - and then YOU DO.!!!” We love watching you and smile with delight as things “appear in your field.” You are now recognising yourselves as the Creator Beings we have always known you to be.
What do you dare to dream Dear Ones? - Dream Big. You are the Creators of your life and now as your egos subside your Creations take on a more cosmic appeal as your awareness of being one with each other comes more into alignment. You are creating a world more suitable for all beings to live in Peace and Harmony and thats why you have flow happening in your creations.
Many of you are supporting causes that are bringing awareness to the unjust happenings - things that will no longer be tolerated. Remember all is in perfection as you played this old game. As you create this New Earth you will not take these mis-creations with you.
Join together in Love and support of each other. Create the Utopia you wish for your New World. Unity Consciousness is the way of the future on your Planet.
Visualise what it is you wish this Utopia to be and then out-picture using your 3rd Eye. What you out-picture must appear in your reality for you are Creator Beings. Is this not a wonderful gift Dear Ones?
What is it you envision for the self/your family, friends and the Planet as ONE.
Imagine what a wonderous, glorious future you are creating.
It is our absolute honour to take these steps on this New Path with each and everyone of you.
Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings
And it is so
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013
Dear Ones
You are feeling like you have been in the “surf” being washed clean - and as with the surf analogy you are the “surfers” on the board of life. As a young initiate surfer you needed to learn how to balance and gain stability so as to Master the elements and to finally stand up on your board. And here you are becoming the adept surfer where you are now standing up fully on the board and riding the waves. As with all waves sometimes you fall off but as all good surfers do you get back on the board, paddle out once again and prepare to ride the next wave. What if this next wave is the “perfect one” the one all surfers dream of and strive for?
Dear Ones the perfect wave is before you - you may still need to paddle for a short time, there maybe a few more spills just ahead - but it is all part of the game. This is what you signed up for.
Enjoy the ride, enjoy the waves, enjoy the spills. Laugh at yourselves Dear Ones - Laughter truly is good for your soul. It enlivens every cell in your body. It releases the “stuck energies” and allows your whole body to rejuvinate. Why then would you not want to laugh?
We hear your fears, we hear your concerns, the reasons why you cannot laugh but we remind you Dear Ones it is but a game - a game you chose, the rules you made.
Step back, look at how far you have come, all that has been accomplished, breathe into who you truly are. You are the sons and daughters of Mother/Father God, the All That Is, Creation - now smile Dear Ones as your memories return to this awareness.
As you step out of the water (the emotions) that have been holding you back, leave the past behind and prepare for this magical New Earth you are creating with each choice you now make.
What a wonderous time it is on this Planet as you ride these waves of discernment, all the while remembering why it is you chose to play this game at this most wonderous time.
The game is stepping up Dear Ones, the Waves are increasing, your energies are being realigned so that with each increase in wave movement so it is reflected in energy movements.
Oh how we love to watch you ride these waves because we know what awaits you on the New Shore you have already created before you stepped into this lifetime. Remember Dear Ones the plans we made, the laughs we had and now it is just before you.
Ride the waves well Dear Ones, laugh, have fun, enjoy the ups and downs for when you truly remember you too will be laughing joyously in unision with all Creation.
It is with much joy and laughter we celebrate with you.
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013
Dear Ones,
Are you enjoying the Roller Coaster Rides of energy brought up by the Eclipse Patterns?
Are you able to maintain stability? So much is being presented to you for your observation and clearance.
What patterns have been shown to you? Have you taken the time to discern what is in your field of awareness or have you been caught up in the “poor me” symptoms? Many disruptions to your relationships, be they close family or acquaintances. Much of the old familiar way of relating no longer applies in the new energetics. Much TRUTH is coming out including your own internal truths that will no longer be ignored - there can be no more “stuffing down” of thoughts or emotions - everything is up for examination, clearing and cleansing.
The magnetics of the body are “pushing out” (just as in the birthing process) anything that no longer serves you. Many have experienced in the past few days that which in the past you may have referred to as “break-downs” however we tell you it is in fact “break-throughs.” Feel the difference as you read these words - just breathe deeply and allow all that came up to pass through you. Remember to breathe deeply always Dear Ones and just ALLOW. What has come up is not only from this lifetime but from previous incarnations. Allow all that comes up to leave the body, say farewell for these patterns need to be let go so that you can once again move foreword without the old baggage that has weighed you down.
You will feel much lighter and the FREEDOM is gained by recognising these old ways of being no longer serve any purpose.
Feel the FREEDOM that you are gaining with each release. Many times things are coming up and out and you were not even aware that you held them as part of your being - everything un-conscious is being made CONSCIOUS.
No wonder there is such disruption on your Planet - all needs to be cleared and it is so.
Notice how much better you feel today compared to the last few days of this incredible shift that took place during the Eclipse energies.
Forward movement is now possible. However there is still much to be released but for now breathe again. Allow your bodies to rest and acknowledge the “work” you are doing to become Fully Conscious Beings.
Each day you move closer to the new way of being you have agreed to pursue at this time. Over the past number of years we have reminded you that during this time of Conscious Evolution it would not be easy or pleasant at times and we also reminded you that even though you as Lightworker’s pride yourself on being on the fore-front of the changes that you too would feel the full effects. We saw you shrug your shoulders and state - I can work with these energetics. I will “go with the flow” but as you have noticed it has been a little more intense than even you thought.
We therefore ask you to look to your fellow beings - those who as yet have not stepped fully onto this path. Fear is rampant on the Planet for those yet to awaken. Fear is what is driving most of the Planet and it can no longer maintain its hold. The tipping point has been reached when as the Lightworker’s you are - you are now called more than ever to shine the “Light” that is you.
We now ask you to step out of your comfort zones, you are needed most earnestly to speak to your family, friends, co-workers just gently at first and then with more vigor as you gain their attention. Many are looking for the answers you possess. Just a small amount of information can open a floodgate for those who no longer know where to turn.
You will find that just a word or a gesture will be the trigger for those who are desperately searching.
Time is moving rapidly toward many of the great changes we have spoken of. The more souls who begin to embrace and have an understanding of what is before all mankind will make this transition much easier.
Dear Ones, be brave, speak your truth, your words of wisdom, to all those you connect with. You are all united on this quest and the time to Remember why you came at this Cosmic Moment is upon you. Reach out Dear Ones, open your hearts and they will open their minds. Show them the Love that you are and that shall be reflected back to you One Thousand Fold.
Great work Dear Ones. Glorious times await all humanity. The excitement is building, can you not feel it?
It is always a pleasure to impart these words to you.
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